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Nick heard from a friend about efficiency rebates he could receive from his utility company for taking steps to improve areas and systems around his home. After researching the program, he called Complete Home Solutions, who is a preferred Contractor for his utility company, to conduct the assessment on his home. After a full Home Energy Audit was completed by one of our Home Comfort Specialist, it was determined that the insulation levels in Nick's house could also be improved to help with comfort and efficiency. On the day of the job, our Home Comfort Technicians began air sealing the attic with fire block spray foam. The spray foam is applied to our recessed light covers, top plates, and any outlets in the attic to ensure that the air you pay to heat or cool stays in the living space of your home. The next step in this attic was to vent the bath fans out through the roof. If your fans are not vented properly, it can create moisture issues in your attic. The final step of this attic project was to blow in new Cellulose insulation, which creates a 16 inch barrier between the attic condition and the rest of your home. As you can see in this picture, we install rulers throughout the attic to show our customers just how much of a difference our insulation makes.
If you are interested in a Home Energy Audit, give us a call today at 1-866-632-5870!
We deal with a lot of crawl spaces that are underwater or have constant moisture problems. In this case John's crawl space was not in bad shape when we entered, however, it was not set up to keep external temperatures from entering the crawl space and affecting the comfort of his home. On the day of the job our crew began by installing our Clean space vapor barrier which when bolted to the walls of the crawl space creates a seal that prevents any moisture or pest from entering the crawl from below. Following the installation of the vapor barrier, our Technicians used a 2 part closed cell spray foam to insulate and seal the walls. This process restricts any air from coming through the vents or cinder blocks in the crawl. The final step of this encapsulation is to install a dehumidifier that regulates the humidity to a consistent 50-55%.These improvements will help the temperatures throughout the home, as well as prevent any moisture damage that may arise in the future.
For your FREE crawl space estimate, give us a call today at 1-866-632-5870
John called Complete Home Solutions after hearing from a neighbor about the upgrades made to their home. John was experiencing uncomfortable conditions in the second floor of his home, and after an examination of his home by one of our Home Comfort Technicians, it was determined that the condition of the home's attic was a culprit. On the day our crew began work on the attic they began by pulling back the existing insulation to ensure the area was properly air sealed. Air sealing ensures that there are no seams or cracks around top plates, recessed lights, or outlets that could allow conditioned air to rise and escape from the living area of your home. The next step was building an attic hatch damn at the entrance to the attic. This process allows our crew to blow insulation as close to your attic hatch as possible while also making the entryway clean if you have to get into your attic. The final step is to add a new blanket of Cellulose insulation to the attic to ensure 16 inches of insulation all the way around the attic.
These improvements to the attic will help the efficiency of her home helping his HVAC system run less frequently, and also help with comfort throughout the home by keeping the conditioned air in the living space of the home and creating a proper barrier between the living space and attic temperatures.
If you are interested in an energy audit for your home, give us a call today at 1-866-632-5870
This home in Huntingtown, Maryland had moisture in the crawl space that was causing problems with the home. The moisture was making the insulation sag and become ineffective. An Auditor went out to inspect the home and determined that the crawl space flooring needed to be sealed to prevent more moisture from seeping into it.
Our Production Team used plastic to seal the crawl space dirt floor to keep moisture out, which made the home more energy efficient for the homeowners.
This home in Huntingtown, Maryland was suffering from terrible drafts. The homeowner could not stand how cold the house got during the cold months. Fortunately, she was introduced to Complete Home Solutions just in time this winter.
After making a visit to her home, we discovered how much air was being lost through this homeowner's attic. Without proper air sealing or the right kind of insulation, your attic can cost you a lot of energy and heat. We fixed both of those problems, installing our special blown in cellulose insulation. We were happy to fix this uncomfortable home!