Before & After Photos

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Binghamton, NY - TruSoft Dense Packing Exterior

These Binghamton, NY homeowners had done some renovations to the first floor of their home but wanted to explore what other options were available. Our free Home Comfort Evaluation showed them how little insulation they had on the second and third floors of the home. We proposed several things to the home to make it more comfortable for the homeowners, as well as more energy efficient. We proposed to spray foam the roof deck of the attic, as well as do an open blow of TruSoft cellulose insulation, as well as dense packing the walls of the home from the exterior. 

We carefully removed the siding from the home and drilled the holes needed to get our hose into the exterior of the home to dense pack the walls of the second floor of the home with the TruSoft cellulose insulation. Once the walls are properly dense packed with cellulose insulation, we plug it with a wooden plug and seal it. The siding is then replaced as carefully as it was removed. We also dense packed the slopes of the roof deck to ensure a tighter envelope for the homeowners.

Binghamton, NY - Open Blow Cellulose Insulation

These Binghamton, NY homeowners had done some renovations to the first floor of their home but wanted to explore what other options were available. Our free Home Comfort Evaluation showed them how little insulation they had on the second and third floors of the home. We proposed several things to the home to make it more comfortable for the homeowners, as well as more energy efficient. We proposed to spray foam the roof deck of the attic, as well as do an open blow of TruSoft cellulose insulation, as well as dense packing the walls of the home from the exterior. 

We proposed to air seal the attic space to prevent the air the homeowners pay to cool and heat from escaping out from the roof. We sealed around electric lines, around light fixtures and any large gaps that we saw. We then did an open blow on the large attic flat of our TruSoft cellulose insulation, a total of 14 inches of TruSoft was blown into the attic space. 

Binghamton, NY - Closed Cell Spray Foam Attic

These Binghamton, NY homeowners had done some renovations to the first floor of their home but wanted to explore what other options were available. Our free Home Comfort Evaluation showed them how little insulation they had on the second and third floors of the home. We proposed several things to the home to make it more comfortable for the homeowners, as well as more energy efficient. We proposed to spray foam the roof deck of the attic, as well as do an open blow of TruSoft cellulose insulation, as well as dense packing the walls of the home from the exterior. 

For the attic slopes, and gable end walls of the attic, we proposed to spray our Closed Cell Spray Foam. We sprayed 4 inches of our Closed Cell spray foam to the walls of the attic. 

Binghamton, NY - Basement to Beautiful Panels

This Binghamton, NY homeowner was in the midst of turning a portion of his basement into a second bathroom. This basement had a sump pump that wasn't adequate enough to get all the water off the floors of the basement, leaving puddles in places. 

We installed our Basement to Beautiful panels in the area (10' x 15') of where the bathroom was going to be. The rest of the basement walls were sprayed with 2" of our Closed Cell Spray Foam, as well as 2" of Closed cell spray foam in the rim joists. The sump pump was also replaced with our SuperSump Basement pumping system, which includes a condensate pump with it to expel excess moisture on it's own into the outdoors. We also installed our SaniDry Sedona to keep the moisture levels down in the basement.

Cellulose Insulation - Binghamton, NY

This Binghamton, NY homeowner wanted to ensure he'd still have storage space in his attic, but also was determined to have good insulation. 

We were certainly able to fulfill that accomplish list item for him by building a storage deck in the attic. We custom built a storage deck and damming, and once the walls were in place we did an open blow of our Cellulose Insulation so the attic could still be used for storage.

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