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Attic Mold in Wixom, MI

Our homeowner was having a renovation project in her home and mold was discovered by her contractor.  Our company came in and remediated the mold using product RMR-86 and RMR-141 to remove the stain and kill the mold.

Attic Mold in Wixom, MI

Mold in an attic of a home sale. Customer called for us to remediate the mold. We used product RMR-86 and RMR-141 to remove the stain and mold from the attic.

Attic mold in Wixom, MI

This home was put on the market for sale and a inspector found mold.  We remediated the mold from all the sheathing and truss with RMR-86 and RMR-141 to remove the stain and mold.

New Insulation & Mold Removal in Wixom, MI

This attic had visible mold and was lacking insulation. After remediation we removed the insulation, air sealed and added all new cellulose


Attic Insulation in Wixom, MI

Our customer found us at a local Home Show. He mentioned in his home he had warmer rooms in the summer and cooler rooms in the winter. Our company came in and removed all insulation, air sealed and added new TruSoft Cellulose Insulation to a R-Value of R49. He mentioned once completed with the job he notice a big difference and now his HVAC system is not kicking on all the time and was happy with our process and saving money on his utility bills.

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