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Attic Mold in Hamburg, MI

Inspector found mold in the attic, we also added insulated ducting for bath fan exiting the roof.  Remediated the mold using RMR-86 and RMR-141 which removes the stain and mold.


Mold in the Attic in Hamburg, MI

Home inspection established there is mold in the homeowner's attic.  Our company remediated this mod, we used RMR-86 and RMR-141 which will remove the stain and mold.

Mold in Attic in Hamburg, MI

Found mold in the attic, remediated with RMR-86 and RMR-141 product.  This product removes the stain and mold.

Deprived Attic of Insulation in Hamburg, MI

Our homeowner called us after hearing what great care TCI Remediation takes in customer service and making sure our customers are  satisfied with our home solution.  After accessing this attic and walking threw an accomplish list our customer filled out our solution became reality. Removal of insulation, air sealing, adding can light covers and blow in TruSoft Cellulose Insulation is what our customer chose for their Home Energy Solution, and what a great choice. 

Attic Mold in Hamburg, MI

Our customers home was on the market for sale and a home inspection showed possible mold in the attic. Once our inspection was completed we came in and cleaned all the mold by using Mold X2 and Mold X2 Botanical products. We also cleared all the soffits of debris and insulation and placed new rafter vents to correct the cause of the mold.

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