Before & After Photos

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Attic Insulation Cap off/Top Off in Novi, MI

Batt insulation is not up to standard. Removing and adding new cellulose insulation helped with the energy bills.

Mold in Attic in Novi, MI

This attic was flagged for mold from a Home Inspection. Our company was called in to remediate and correct the ventilation. We used Mold X2, Mold X2 Botanical and DuroVent Duel wide baffles. We also cleared all soffit vents of debris and insulation for airflow. The home went on to be sold and our customer was happy we could complete in a timely manner.

Attic Mold in Novi, MI

Our customer called due to a home inspection called up by the buyer and a mold like substance was found in the attic of their home. Our company came in and remediated the mold using Mold X2 and Mold X2 Botanical products. We also cleared all the soffit vents of debris and added rafter vents to correct the ventilation in the attic. Our customer was happy with the timely process and went on to sell the home.

Attic Mold In Novi, MI

Our customers home was on the market to be sold and a Home buyers inspection showed mold in the attic. After our proposal the home owner wanted to have us come in and clean the attic at our first availability. We came in and cleared all the soffit vents from any debris or insulation, afterwards sprayed all the sheathing and truss with Mold X2 and Mold X2 Botanical products, then installed all new rafter baffles to correct the ventilation. We completed our job within a few days of the proposal and the seller and buyers we so appreciative of our speedy turnover.

Attic Remediation in Novi, MI

Our customers home was flagged on a Home Buyers Inspection for mold in the attic space. Our company came in and cleaned the mold using Mold X2 and Mold X2 Botanical products. We also cleared the soffit vents and added new duel wide baffles. This attic is clean and ready for the final Home Inspection.

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