Before & After Photos

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Attic Insulation in Clinton, MD

This single family home in Clinton, Maryland was suffering from drafts and high energy bills.

Our Auditor performed a home energy audit to determie where the home was leaking air. The production team provided air sealing to prevent any future air leakage. We also installed blown in cellulose insulation to lower the home owner's energy bills and to improve the overall comfort.

Attic Insulation in Clinton, MD

The homeowners of this house in Clinton, Maryland made the right decision in calling Complete Home Solutions to make their home more energy efficient.  Additional insulation was added and all the penetrations in the attic air sealed.  The home is much more energy efficient and no longer drafty!

Cantilever Treatment in Clinton, MD

This cantilever was not property sealed and caused air to leak into the home resulting in cold floors.  We removed the plywood soffit, properly air sealed the joist cavities with foam board and spray foam.  We also insulated with R-19 fiberglass batt insulation and reinstalled the soffit.  The result -- air leakage reduction of 25%.  This customer is looking forward to a more energy efficient and comfortable home this winter!

Blown In Cellulose Insulation in Clinton, MD

We met this homeowner at one of the trade shows that we attend annually. He had a nice long conversation with one of our home comfort specialists about some of their concerns. He suspected that his attic didn't have enough insulation (and his house got really cold in the winter as a result). We told him that we would come out, check out the house, and let him know whether or not his suspicions were true.

It turns out that our client was correct. You can tell just from looking at the picture (on the left) that there clearly is not enough insulation. Being able to see the tops of your floor joists is a tell tale sign of this. The other thing that we found while we were in the attic was that it wasn't air sealed. By making these improvements we were able to create a much more comfortable home for this client (while delivering more affordable electric bills).  

Outdoor Coil Cleaning in Clinton,MD

When is the last time you had your outdoor Air Conditioning unit cleaned? If you are like this customer, then it has probably been a while! Keeping the coils on your outdoor AC unit clean is essential to keeping your home cool. Dirty coils prevent heat transfer from the inside of your home to the outside; think of the coils as if they were your lungs. The more things in the way, the less air can flow properly. Keeping the coils clean makes sure your unit is working as efficiently as possible and prevents the unit from potentially shutting down. This is a great example of dirty coils that have been cleaned and help make the unit work optimally again.

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