Before & After Photos

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Puddles Belong Outside

With the intention of finishing their basement, this Portland, ME, homeowner wanted to address the puddles that form when it rains. They reached out to TC Hafford Basement Systems and met with System Design Specialist Jordan Tarbox to discuss waterproofing solutions for their basement. WaterGuard was installed around the perimeter, with the CleanSpace Wall System attached. Water is directed to a TripleSafe Sump Pump, which pushes it out through an exterior discharge line that’s buried underground, keeping it out of sight and directing it to a location where it will no longer be an issue. The homeowner is now able to finish their basement without the risk of water damage, saving money and protecting the health of their home.

Portland, ME Basement Receives Much Needed Sump Upgrade

After living in their Portland, ME home for three years, this homeowner decided it was time they upgraded from the small sump they got from a hardware store when they moved in. Our crew got to work on their basement by rounding out the existing sump hole and installing a SuperSump system in the floor. This new pump will output at a rate of over 2,600 gallons of water per hour. This water exits the basement through a PVC discharge line where it passes through an IceGuard pipe segment on the exterior of the home. Now the homeowner can be sure their sump will keep their basement floor dry during exceptionally heavy rainfall.

When Is It Time to Pour a New Slab in Your Basement?

While it’s normal to have some fractures in your basement slab, water should not be coming through, and it should not be crumbling. This Portland, Maine homeowner recently moved into their home and knew they needed to address the issue in their basement. System Design Specialist Michael Penna met with the homeowner and put together a system that would protect their home from future water damage and outside elements.


The original slab in the basement was beyond repair, and a new one was necessary. Drainage Matting is laid down to create a barrier between outside elements and the new slab. This protects the new slab and aids in keeping water where it should be. WaterGuard is set around the perimeter of the basement and connected to a TripleSafe Sump Pump System. The new slab is poured, and TripleSafe is connected to a buried exterior discharge line that takes any groundwater away from the basement.


Your basement doesn’t have to be the scariest part of your home, and with TC Hafford Basement Systems, we can make sure that it isn’t.

Leaking Falmouth, ME Basement Protected with WaterGuard Installation

During heavy rainfall, this homeowner always found their basement would take on water through the concrete foundation. To put an end to this, they called us at TC Hafford Basement Systems and after we gave them a free estimate, they hired us to get the job done. Upon arriving at the home, our crew got started on installing WaterGuard piping around the perimeter of the floor, buried just below the surface. The WaterGuard will capture any moisture leaking through the floor in the future and guide the captured water to the TripleSafe sump system installed in the floor. Lastly, a CleanSpace Wall System was put in place around the entire basement. This barrier will collect any water leaking through the walls and feed it directly into the WaterGuard below.

With a properly waterproofed basement, this homeowner will never again find their basement full of water after a heavy rain!

New Waterproofed Slab Protects Cumberland, ME Home from Flooding

When this Cumberland, ME homeowner began to have moisture problems in their garage, they called us at TC Hafford Basement Systems to see if we could help. A door connected to their garage had been allowing rainwater to leak in and gather in the entryway. After they met with our representative, our installation crew was able to get started jackhammering out the old concrete floor of the entry space. Once clear, a fresh slab was poured within the space and WaterGuard piping was installed within the perimeter of the new floor. Running below the doorway, a TrenchDrain was used to capture any water leaking directly under the door in the future. The grate on the top of the TrenchDrain rests level with the floor, allowing any water to spill right in. Finally, a SuperSump system was installed to receive any captured water and remove it from the home through a discharge line.

This homeowner can now be sure any water that would have previously entered this space will be removed from the home without pooling up on their floor. The WaterGuard piping & SuperSump pump will keep this entryway water-free for the foreseeable future!

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