Russ’s job as a Dr. Energy Saver Certified Home Comfort Specialist is to comprehensively diagnose what is making your home uncomfortable, causing it to lose energy, and costing you money! He will communicate his findings to you and help you understand where your energy saving priorities are. Russ creates solutions, so you can start making your home more comfortable and energy efficient as soon as possible.
Russ has been thoroughly trained and has earned the highly esteemed title “CERTIFIED Home Comfort Specialist” through the Dr. Energy Saver National Contract Network.
He also frequently leads mission trips to South America. He has always enjoyed helping people. He gets to know homeowners and helps them uncover their home’s energy loss areas. This enables them to save money and get more comfort out of their homes.
Russ is a certified representative for the Dr. Energy Saver National Contractor Network. This is a group of the best energy conservation contractors in the world, who have exclusive access to unique products, comprehensive training, and support through the national company.