Before & After Photos

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Blown in Cellulose in Lubbock ,Tx

This property owner is in Lubbock, TX. where he reached out to Fortenberry Roofing regarding the colder temperatures in his home. He couldn’t seem to keep his house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Fortenberry Roofing sent out our Lead Technician to look at what we could do to help. After performing a free quote Miguel sat down with Mr. Norris and let him know he needed some major Insulation. At the request of the customer, Fortenberry Roofing Installed up to 5” of cellulose to target R-19. Mr. Norris had already purchased roll Batt insulation, so we installed what he had on hand and capped it with cellulose.


Mr. Norris was very pleased with Fortenberry Roofing going above and beyond his expectations. He is happy to tell all his friends and family about what a good loyal company he has come across.

Residential Repair of Pipe Flashing in Lubbock, Texas

Fortenberry Roofing Co. received a call from Mrs. Silasi in Lubbock, Texas about a leaking kitchen vent that had lifted, causing quite a concern. She urgently requested a repair, and our lead supervisor, Miguel was ready to help!


Without hesitation, Miguel quickly arrived at her home. He skillfully removed the old flashing, cleaned the area, and installed new pipe flashing, securing everything with brand-new screws and neoprene washers for a perfect seal. To top it off, he painted the pipe and flashing to give it a polished look. 


Mrs. Silasi couldn't be happier! She was thrilled that we took care of her needs promptly and professionally. 

Drip Edge Repair in Lubbock, Tx

Mrs. Debroe from Lubbock, Texas experienced issues with a leaking flat roof in her home. Seeking assistance, she contacted Fotenberry Roofing, and the owner promptly visited her to provide a free quote. After a thorough inspection, Michael identified the problem and proposed a solution. 


Mrs. Debroe needed a drip edge repair, and Michael quickly scheduled the job. The crew removed 9 inches of modified roofing and the drip edge around the upper roof. The crew removed 9 inches of modified roofing and the drip edge around the upper roof. They then laid a 13-inch wide piece of 75lb base under the existing system with a 1-inch overlay at the drip edge. Both sides of the drip edge metal and 3 inches of the modified roof were primed. The drip edge metal was installed with roofing nails spaced 9 inches apart. Finally, the smooth strip was cut off the modified cap sheet, and a 12-inch strip was torched to the metal and existing roof. 


Mrs. Debroe was eager to have the repairs completed as soon as possible, and the crew efficiently addressed the issue.

Residential repair to leaking roof in Lubbock, Tx

A resident in Lubbock, Texas contacted us with concerns about leaking in their master bedroom and home addition. Upon inspection, it was determined that the installation of a cant strip and a strip of modified Bitumen was necessary, along with the installation of counter flashing on the flat roof. Additionally, new shingles and ridge needed to be replaced.


Fortenberry Roofing swiftly responded to the situation, promptly initiating the required repairs to address the issue effectively. 

Residential Roof Inspection and Repairs in Lubbock, Tx

Mrs. Webster, a homeowner from Lubbock, Texas, reached out to Fortenberry Roofing for a roof inspection. Robbie, our Senior Residential Re-Roof Salesman, conducted a thorough inspection and identified several areas needing repair. Specifically, Robbie noted that the flashing sealant required refreshing along a 40-foot stretch of the roof.


Mrs. Webster agreed to proceed with the necessary repairs, and we were able to address the issue on the spot. She was extremely satisfied with the prompt service and expressed gratitude for choosing Fortenberry Roofing for the inspection. We're always happy to help homeowners maintain the integrity of their roofing system with expert care and quality service.

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