Before & After Photos

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Densely Packed Cellulose Added to Attic in Elyria, OH

This customer had old, low R-Value, rolled fiberglass that was not doing her attic or home any favors in controlling temperatures. Primary Home Improvements came in and extracted all of the previous insulation and blew in new, densely packed cellulose at a high R-Value in order to create a functional attic for this homeowner. 

Barren Attic Insulated with Cellulose in Akron, OH

This large attic was not insulated at all. The cold air from the roof was infiltrating into the home, making it very uncomfortable. The crew at Primary Home Improvements solved this customers issues by installing high-quality Tru-Soft cellulose insulation. Tru-Soft will stop unwanted drafts and create an energy-efficient home. 

Tru-Soft Cellulose Creates Insulated Attic in Hinckley, OH

This customer had troubles insulating his house due to old, worn-down cellulose in his attic. Installers at Primary Home Improvements re-insulated this attic with Tru-Soft cellulose. Tru-soft provides a high R-Value, densely packed product that will stop heat transfer and save this customer on there energy bills. 

Installers Create Functional Attic for Customer in Hinckley, OH

Installers at Primary Home Improvements created a clean, insulated and functional attic by air sealing, laying a plywood floor, and blowing in high-quality cellulose. 

Attic Upgraded with Cellulose Insulation in North Olmsted, OH

This attic space had old, sparse cellulose. This made for an ineffective attic. Installers blew in TruSoft cellulose to reach R49 insulating power and brought this attic back to high standards. 

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