Before & After Photos

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Foundation Repair in Baldwin, WI

This Baldwin, WI homeowner reached out needing help with their basement wall, presenting a significant crack and bowing inward by about 2-3 inches. After a call with our Appointment Center, a free, no-obligation inspection was set up with Design Specialist Rich Johnson for a thorough home inspection. Our production team took over from there and installed the PowerBrace© system with precise attention, anchoring it securely to the floor and the rim joist above, ensuring the wall's stability is fully supported. By completion, the threat to the homeowner’s property was significantly mitigated. The homeowner was left relieved and satisfied, knowing their basement was stabilized. 

CarbonArmor® Secures Cracked Block Wall in Stone Lake, WI Cabin

This Stone Lake, WI homeowner was experiencing stairstep and horizontal cracks in their block wall foundation. Pressure from outside forces, such as soil, can cause these cracks and instability. The owner wanted to fix this problem so they turned to DBS for a solution.

Design Specialist Henry Jungbauer assisted this owner with a free no-obligation estimate to help find the perfect solution. Henry suggested a CarbonArmor® Wall Reinforcing System for this client's home. 

Foreman Osia Williams led this project with the assistance of a team. CarbonArmor® wall straps are made with material that is 10x stronger than steel. This material is woven into a fabric-like material and molded to the walls to prevent further movement and instability. These straps tighten even more when tension is applied, making them more secure as time goes on. 

This homeowner can now relax knowing their home is secure with DBS solutions. 

Stable Foundation Created at Home in Hayward, Wisconsin

This home was being held up by concrete blocks on top of concrete blocks and shims were used in areas where more support was needed. When adding shims to foundation supports the only guarantee is that you'll need to add more shims when the foundation begins to sag again. This is painstaking and obviously not a permanent solution.

To provide our customer with a permanent solution in this scenario we used steel piers set deep into the earth on opposite sides of the home and welded a steel beam on top of them. The beam sitting on the firmly placed piers yields a permanently stable foundation. 

Rim Joist Insulated in Hayward, Wisconsin

This is a small portion of an energy efficiency home improvement project where we replaced basement windows with energy efficient Everlast windows & sunhouse covers, a Bilco door, structural improvements, and spray foam along the rim joists. Our customers are often aware of the importance of having energy efficient doors and windows, but may often overlook the benefits of insulating the rim joist of their home. With spray foam insulation we provide a well-needed coating of insulation that has the added benefit of air sealing this section of the home. 

Piering Foundation Work in Hayward, WI.

DBS went to a home to find a solution for their foundation problems. We sent our Design Specialist, Kevin Steffey, to the site to see what the best method for repair was. He suggested the home use piering to fix the foundation. This works by driving steel pipes into the previous failing foundations in that building. We’ve included a before photo of the home with failing foundation and a photo during the production of the piering foundation method being installed.

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