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Attic Mold Job in Whitmore Lake, MI

Attic mold found by homeowner from a heavy odor. 

Mold found in Whitmore Lake, MI

Mold in attic was found before the sale of home.  We cleaned and removed mold and mildew with RMR-86 Pro mold and stain remover.  We also removed and replaced baffles with duel baffles. 

Moldy attic in Whitmore Lake, MI

Once the inspection was completed mold was discovered in the attic and needed remediation for the sale to be completed.

New Insulation in Whitmore Lake, MI

The homeowner explained that her office and bedroom at the end of the house was always cold in the winter and warm in the summer. She also explained that her furnace would kick on very quickly after the furnace got the thermostat up to the desired temperatures, and rooms were more comfortable than other to be in for an extended period of time.

Remediated & Insulated Attic for Home Sale in Whitmore Lake, MI

An inspection for a home buyer flagged for attic mold due to condensation. Master bath fan detached from roof can caused warm humid air to be pumped back into the attic causing mold onto the sheathing and insulation.

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