TC Hafford Basement Systems Reviews and Ratings

Check out reviews and comments from our past customers.

Job went very well, arrived on the day and time I was told (other than the concrete being delayed!). Work was complet...

1Hose to drain was disconnected at the sump and water sprayed all the way up to the ceiling and onto the walls and the ...

A bit high in price for work completed

Would have liked a little better written description of the work to be performed.

I was never there during the work, but all went well

thought dehumidifier was part of the contract--dont think it was installed--maybe not necessary? dont see it getting ...

During service because pump stopped they found piece’s of plastic from installation plugged pump.

Routine maintenance of sump system.

Concrete was left but overall cleanup was great

I called 24 hours after project finished at 10:00 am left msg the next day at 8 am Got call for payment explained I w...

TC Hafford Basement Systems Average: 4.9 out of 5
Total Reviews: 1992
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