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On this episode of Dr. Energy Saver's "On the Job" series, Larry Janesky, founder and owner of Dr. Energy Saver, discusses the importance of an energy efficient attic. Larry shows us why the attic should be the number one priority in terms of energy-efficient upgrades in a home by making this attic apart of the conditioned space.
Typically attics are vented and not considered part of the conditioned space of the home when the structure is built. Some houses, however, have air-handlers and duct work within their attic space, where temperatures can be very hostile and unfavorable for any kind of heating and cooling equipment. Unconditioned attics that have heating and cooling equipment within their space generally are associated with large energy losses and expensive utility bills. In the winter time, the attic can get very cold, with freezing cold air getting in through any open soffit or ridge vent, making it harder to heat the home. In the summertime, the sun radiates heat through the roof, raising temperatures in the attic to scorching hot levels and making it harder for you to cool your home.
For all the reasons above, new and remodeled homes tend to have this type of feature in at least some of the rooms. Some have them all throughout the house!
In order to make the attic part of the conditioned part of the home, Dr. Energy Saver would typically air seal and insulate the attic floor. However, this home has a very complicated layout with obstacles and hard to reach areas such as multi-level ceilings, air-handlers and ducts, hundreds of can lights, and so on. With this kind of scenario, Larry and his team make the attic part of the conditioned space by moving the thermal and air barrier to the roof deck instead of the attic floors.
With about 7 inches of open-cell spray foam at the bottom of this roof deck, Dr. Energy Saver’s job is done. This homeowner can finally start enjoying the comfort of their own home, while significantly paying less money month on utilities. Larry illustrates the transformation of this attic with the thermal imaging scanner, showing us that the temperature is 67 degrees Fahrenheit in this attic when it’s 25 degrees outside!
If you have heating and cooling equipment in your attic and have no clue how to reduce your energy bills, call in your local Dr. Energy Saver today. Our energy specialists will thoroughly inspect your home and let you know what your home needs to enjoy a more comfortable and enjoyable living space.
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