Job review from in Auburn, NY 13021 on 10/30/15

Overall Rating:

4.8  out of 5
How knowledgeable was the energy adviser
Did the energy adviser explain his findings
Was the energy adviser friendly
How pleased were you with the experience
The adviser told us that you wouldn't be able to help us until we got mold under control and then it would only be about $700 of work that you would do. We were expecting to check windows and doors and have them replaced because they are the cause of energy being wasted in our home.

Suggestions for Improvement:

I think that you need to take in consideration about people's windows and doors because some people can afford to have them replaced with their income. I also think that it would be a good idea to have someone from your agency to make a way to get rid of mold in a home so that you can insulate it properly.
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