Job review from in Auburn, NY 13021 on 02/20/15

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5

Wake up at 5:30 am to a very cold house on one of the coldest days we've had this winter, the furnace was running but there was no heat coming from registers. Immediately called Halco and by 9 am someone was here to take a look. The problem was the outside air intake pipe was blocked with snow/ice, the technician explained and showed me how to disconnect the intake pipe from the furnace (to draw air from the basement instead of the outdoors) in case it ever happened again. He also told me how to clear the pipe from the outside as he had done. Today (4 days after my service call) I woke up to a cold house again, thanks to that technician, I knew exactly what to do to get the heat working again, and I need for a service call! I also highly recommend the service agreement, when an emergency arises I am thankful to be at the top of the list and the convenience of having Halco automatically call us every fall to remind us it is time for our annual furnace checkup/filter replacement is one less thing for us to worry about.

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