Satisfied as I am using your monthly service, chose you over ZeroDraft etc for energy audit and just completed an energy audit and acted on a suggestion/solution to dehumidify our basement & now trying to figure out if it is working or not. This is a weak 4 but definitely a 4 for now.
Call folks have been GREAT this is a strong 4. Your phone folks are very curteous & helpful.
Good. I suggest that if we make an appt. weeks in advance,to call ahead 1-2 days prior, like the furnance folks usually do. I had to reschedule a meeting and almost missed contacting Will ahead of time, because I forgot about the meeting, luckily I called ahead of time and the rescheduling went OK.
The folks fixing the furnace were good. Recently Josh & Ajax were fine. I wasn't in the best of shape having to rush from work. I was suppose to be given a 1/2 notice before they came and it was suppose to be later in the day than it turned out. Josh & Ajax were fine.
No mess nowhere.
As a May we use you as a reference: No for now, but maybe Yes later. Yes on question #2 if it makes sense at all just don't use my FULL name for now. No.8 for now, but I need to get this latest dehumidifier thing resolved first which Wiil G. and Josh have beeb very attentive too, as they were "just" informed (Friday) and Will is coming out on Sat. Thanks !!