Most contractors pay for SEO or PPC services, or maybe even social media services. But they don’t actually want these services. What a contractor wants is the result of those services, which is the sales lead. For a contractor, the guaranteed result is the sales lead.
AND, we only charge for leads where our efforts bring in new business opportunities for you. We do not charge if someone who has found you through your own efforts (saw your decaled truck, or heard a radio ad, had a neighbor recommend you, etc.).
The biggest problem with most PPC service agencies is that they are charging you for customers who already knew you and were coming to your site anyway. In the Supercharged Websites™ program, we do not charge you for this!
The most powerful tool we’ve built and nonexistent from anywhere else to the small business / local home service provider. Calling content based on the profile of each user to your website, LiveBuild™ creates a unique experience that is proven to improve your website’s conversion of visitors into sales leads.
The rule of thumb for testing is that a website needs 30,000 visitors in a month for a test to resolve. Our LiveTest™ platform aggregates data across multiple sites, so we can scientifically make improvements to a website. We don’t guess, we don’t ask the HIPPO, and our designers go by the data, not how they “feel”.
Our website program comes equipped with many marketing and sales tools, but we focus on growing our dealer’s businesses. All leads flow through your website so they are exclusive, well educated, and know your brand!
Every contractor that comes into our program is assigned an Account Manager who will work with you to make sure that we are getting what we need from you to make your website a success.
Now you can better spend your advertising budget by knowing which of your offline or online ads is performing well and which ones aren’t.
The award-winning software that follows a homeowner from an offline ad through to the visit to your website and phone call. Other methods include unique tracking phone numbers (as does ours) but there methods end when the homeowner visits your website. MyLeadTracking™ follows them to your website and knows if they filled out your contact form or picked up the phone and called.
Our online reference tool that ensures that your company’s press-worthy news gets in front of your local media.
Helps you build your professional network and gets them to recommend you online.
Direct where your web-form submissions go on an hour-by-hour schedule, turning your website into your real-time virtual office.
Taking help-wanted posting on your website a couple steps further with proven templates and live feeds to major classified outlets.
A website for your sales people to help them generate their own leads and close more sales.
These tools and a dozen other tools will turn your website into a powerhouse. Our Supercharged Website™ program is for contractors who want to dominate their market!
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