
How Dr. Energy Saver Can Help you Save on Energy This Energy Awareness Month

October Energy Awareness

National Energy Awareness Month was established in 1992 to promote the importance of sustanability to all life on earth.

Here in the United States, since the fall of 1991, October has been Energy Awareness Month. The whole month is dedicated to the knowledge, study and awareness of the importance of energy to our sustainability on earth. Everything is connected on our planet, so the conservation of energy is an important human endeavor. 

Dr. Energy Saver was built upon the principles of energy conservation and money saving for the average homeowner. Founded in 2009, we work each day with homeowners and contractors to improve energy efficiency and comfort year round. With many services geared towards those main principles, and expertly trained contractors across the country, Dr. Energy Saver is here for you this Energy Awareness Month. 

Our Energy Saving Services That Help You and the Environment 

  1. Insulation

    Cellulose Insulation

    Insulation is an essential part of any home

    Dr. Energy Saver offers many home insulation services, including:

    • Attic Insulation
    • Wall Insulation<
    • Basement Insulation<
    • Crawl Space Insulation
    • Garage Insulation
    • Floor Insulation
    • Duct Insulation

    Proper homeinsulation with the correct R-values and installation can save a great deal of money through the year. Simply put, R-value determines the amount of heat retention allowed by the material to keep conditioned air from escaping. Not to mention, insulation provides comfort in the home and offers peace of mind knowing that a bit of extra money and energy are saved.

  2. Duct Sealing

    Duct Sealing

    Sealing helps to stop air from escaping small gaps and cracks

    The ducts within our homes function to carry air from the HVAC system to cycle through the home. These ducts, made of sheet metal, often have small gaps and cracks that allow air to seep through, meaning that you end up losing a significant amount of the air that you pay to heat or cool throughout the year.

    Using a material known as Duct Mastic, a Dr. Energy Saver contractor can fill the cracks and gaps to stop conditioned air from escaping. Sealing your ducts can help save a significant amount of money, and prolong the life of your HVAC system, by allowing you to run the system less, and more efficiently than before.

  3. Energy Efficient Windows and Doors

    Energy Efficient Doors & Windows

    When windows age, seals can start to leak & let in drafts.

    Windows and doors are notorious for air leakage and drafts, especially in older homes. Replacing outdated windows and doors can save a significant amount of money over time. Similarly to the gaps and cracks in ducts, small amounts of air can escape through leaky windows and doors. In the end, you end up losing the air that you pay to condition, and the comfort in your home suffers.

    Dr. Energy Saver works closely with popular window and door manufacturers to provide our customers with attractive, durable and energy efficient windows at reasonable prices. We offer a variety of materials and styles for both windows and doors to choose from.

  4. Air Sealing

    Expansive Foam Sealing

    Expansive foam fills cracks and gaps to prevent air leakage.

    Air sealing is the practice of filling small cracks and gaps around the home to promote better heat and air retention within the structure. Using an injectable expanding foam, Dr. Energy Saver can fill cracks and gaps in areas like:

    • Plumbing & Wiring Penetrations
    • Chimney Penetrations
    • Attic Access Hatches, Doors & Drop-Down Stairs
    • Recessed Lights & Fans
    • Gaps around Window & Door Moldings
    • Cracks, Gaps & Holes in Plaster & Drywall
    • Electrical Outlets & Switches
    • Dropped Ceilings & Soffits
    • Leaky Basement Windows
    • Rim Joists
    • And More!

    Air Sealing, like duct sealing, can save a good deal of money, allowing your systems to work more efficiently and helping your home to retain the warmed or cooled air that you pay for. Not only can sealing up gaps and cracks around your home save you money, but it can vastly improve the comfort in your home as well.

Get Your Home Energy Audit Today

Home Energy Audit

An Energy Audit can identify areas of the home to work on.

If you’re concerned about energy and air loss in your home, the first step is to reach out to the professionals here at Dr. Energy Saver for one of our home energy audits! This test can take as little as half an hour, and will detect air leakage and areas of improper insulation within the home to help get you started on the right path towards a more energy efficient home.

Here at Dr. Energy Saver, we value the trust that homeowners have always placed upon local businesses.This is why we created a dealer network of Energy Efficiency contractors across the United States, made up of individually owned, local businesses. We offer  home energy audits, which help pinpoint where air leakage occurs around the home, and bring that to our customers each day.

If you’re looking to make your home more energy efficient, and save a few bucks, all while making your home more comfortable in the process--reach out for your free estimate and a home energy audit today!

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